Contract Acquisition Life-Cycle Management
Join us on a CALM journey.

Join us on a CALM journey.

A One Stop Shop for Modernized, and Efficient Contract Writing and Management

In a perfect contracting world...

In a perfect contracting world...

Sourcing, comparing, and finalizing a GSA contract would be simple… using ONE system, a SINGULAR repository for all your data, with a customizable environment to fit ALL your needs… freeing you from chaos, errors, and mundane tasks like manual analysis.

This world DOES exist... and we want to take you there.

What is CALM?

What is CALM?

Contract, Acquisition, Life-Cycle, Management...

That's C.A.L.M.

CALM allows you to reach the market FASTER. With tools that work FOR you, like auto-filing, minimizing data entry, saving you time and increasing productivity.

CALM Toolbox

Contract Writing & Management

Cradle to grave comprehensive suite of acquisition management services:

  • Requirements Definition
  • Acquisition Planning and Market Research
  • Synopsis and Solicitation
  • Award
  • Contract Administration
  • Financial Systems Integration
  • Closeout

Source Selection Evaluation

Automated workflow to enable efficient bid selections, collaborative evaluation management, scorecard completion, and consensus summary reports

City Pair Source Selection

The City Pair Program (CPP) procures and manages discounted air passenger transportation services for federal government travelers. City Pair Source Selection is a centralized Source Selection tool for:

  • Vendor Submission
  • Source Selection Evaluation Board
  • Special Board
  • Contract Modifications
  • Automated Notifications
  • Vendor User Guide

Compliance Intelligence

AI-Assisted and automated proposal evaluation for compliance with format, forms, reps & certs, and Section L requirements

Just getting started?

Access to the CALM system is available to the General Services Administration's Federal Acquisition Service (FAS) workforce through our on-boarding process. Currently, we have on-boarded Non-Multiple Award Schedule (Non-MAS) users from the Office of Information Technology Category (ITC), Office of Professional Services & Human Capital Categories (PSHC), Office of Travel, Transportation, & Logistics Categories (TTL), and Office of General Supplies & Services Categories (GSS).

If you are a member of the above organizations and you do not have access, please contact your supervisor. If you are interested in getting access to CALM and you are not a part of the above mentioned groups, please send an email to For all other GSA FAS employees, you will be informed when it is time for your office to join.
All current CALM users may sign in to access the system and its tools, CALM announcements, training resources, and view additional information.

What the numbers say...


of Early Adopters

felt the CALM team provided timely and quality assistance.


of Early Adopters

were satisfied with CALM.


of Early Adopters

felt that CALM was easy to learn.


of Early Adopters

felt that CALM was easy to use.

What our users have to say...

The ease of creating solicitations, filing contract documents and amending contracts is terrific.

Clean interface with a lot of functionality.

Leadership can pull reports and other data calls without requesting information from the CO.

All official records in one place.

Posting solicitations was a breeze.

It's on its way to being the one stop spot for all things...